NH10 FIRST LOOK | Anushka Sharma

2015-02-04 239

All of us are well aware of how Anushka has gone to great lengths to make her NH10 a good hitting movie. Don’t we remember how she has had special make up artists come down to give her a “real” look?
Our khoofiya bird just gave us the new poster of the upcoming flick which portrays Anushka with a stick in her hand and looking out into the duniya ahead of her through a sun saan road. Quite a thriller it should be hai na?

Get this straight guys that this Mardani means business whether it is her movies or her lips. ! Just kidding. So how far would one go to make things work is the question and sure Anushka has proved she can. NH10, should be a hard hitting woman centric movie if the lead gal is holding a stick. We look forward to it , what about you guys?